Nursery & Reception

At Brentfield Primary School, we welcome children to begin their adventure with us from the age of two. We believe that a successful early education is the foundation all children need to become successful global citizens, ready for a world of tomorrow.  

We prepare our children for the years ahead by enabling them to become well-motivated, inquisitive, and independent learners who foster a passion for lifelong learning. Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is progressive and builds on our children’s interests, with reading and oracy at its heart. We engage the children in a creative curriculum that is tailored to their needs and reflects the world and community in which they live.

Our wide range of learning spaces encourage our children to be active learners who use play as an opportunity to investigate and explore; allowing them to think creatively and critically, developing their own strategies and ideas. Whilst creative play is at the heart of our curriculum, children also spend time learning the essential reading, writing and mathematical skills in targeted small groups, where time and attention can be given to cater learning according to individual needs.

We believe that care and education are inseparable. We take pride in establishing a loving atmosphere fostered by good relationships between home and school as these connected relationships are vital to help our children to feel happy, settled and safe.


What will my child learn in Nursery & Reception?
Curriculum Overviews for Parents

Nursery Curriculum Parent Overview Spring 2

Reception Curriculum Parent Overview Spring 2


What are we learning this term?
Knowledge Organisers


Home Learning


How can I help with learning at home?


Recommended Reads for Year 2
In the Early Years, staff understand how the curriculum provides firm foundations for future learning’. ‘The learning environments in the Early Years foundation Stage are enabling and rich.’
Neil Farmer, Early Years Consultant and Author
‘Children’s behaviour for learning is outstanding. They display the Characteristics of Effective Learning and are afforded the opportunity to show what they know and can do throughout the environment.’
Neil Farmer, Early Years Consultant and Author