The RE Curriculum at Brentfield:

Religious Education forms part of the basic curriculum in accordance with the Education Reform Act of 1988 and is taught using the Brent Agreed Syllabus.

Religious Education allows the children to learn about the major religions of the world and reflects the wide range of religions that are found in our diverse school and local community, as well as society as a whole. It stresses the importance of religion in the lives of those who believe and teaches children to respect and value the beliefs of others. This knowledge and understanding helps our children to live, grow up and participate in our diverse society with an understanding, caring attitude towards others.

Through Religious Education lessons, we aim that children will:

  • understand the beliefs and teachings of the major world religions
  • understand how beliefs are conveyed
  • understand values
  • understand lifestyles and practices
  • be able to reflect.

Learning is enhanced by visits to places of worship in our community and further afield.


Curriculum Documents:

RE - Overview of Units and Objectives