
The English Curriculum at Brentfield:

At Brentfield, we put learning at the heart of everything we do. We support our children in gaining both the academic and the life skills needed to become effective communicators and successful global citizens.

We believe that language and communication is at the root of all learning and is something to be fostered and developed at all stages. ‘When we change the way we communicate, we change society.’ Clay Shirky

We intend for our children to be confident, passionate writers who are able to write articulately and clearly for a range of purposes: to entertain, to inform, to persuade and to discuss. We intend for our children to express their voice through a range of mediums to share their thoughts and ideas with a variety of audiences.












The development of children’s language is crucial to their success across the curriculum. To facilitate our children’s language and communication skills, at Brentfield we aim to teach them key English skills – Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing – across all areas of the curriculum.

We aim to do this through the use of the ‘Art of Teaching Writing’ model. The process consists of each year group starting with a high quality core text to engage the children. The texts are explored in detail using a range of techniques from video excerpts; drama and role-play to language and character analysis. Exemplar texts of the writing outcome are then deconstructed in order for children to understand the structure, language and grammar devices used in that text type. This is followed by modelled and shared writing, which helps to nurture the children’s awareness of grammar, fluency and creativity. Children finally create their own independent pieces of writing by applying what they have learnt. The pieces are finally edited and improved by the children. 












Later in each half term, children are expected to apply the skills they have learnt in English to help them produce a cross-curricular piece of writing which is as high in standard as the work produced in their English lessons. Throughout the process, the children are taught to read as writers and write as readers.











 In addition, we provide the children with as many enrichment opportunities as we can in order to inspire the learning. A few of the opportunities, which are promoted through the English curriculum, are:

  • Book week
  • Poetry week
  • National writing competitions
  • Theatre trips funded by The Royal Shakespeare Company and John Lyon Charity
  • Celebrations of Learning
  • Presentations














Curriculum Documents:

Writing Progression